St Roch's Parish Primary School
Virtue Alone is Noble

The study of English is central to the learning and development of all students at St Roch’s. We believe English skills underpin learning across all curriculum areas. Our aim is to create confident communicators and imaginative and critical thinkers who enjoy the pleasures of reading and writing.
Recognising the importance of listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing, a daily uninterrupted two hour Literacy block is dedicated to the teaching of English across the school. Clear learning intentions and criteria for success are explained and displayed to the students during each lesson so that learning is focused and meaningful. Teachers use effective teaching strategies in whole class, small groups and individual student-teacher conferences to address learning at each student’s point of need.
Learning needs are identified through close monitoring and assessment throughout the year. High expectations are set for all our learners, ensuring that students are challenged to think, reflect and apply knowledge and skills.
Teachers have a comprehensive knowledge of content and the curriculum and this is used to engage students in purposeful learning tasks. Strong links are made to inquiry topics to ensure learning is contextualised and connected. A wide variety of resources, both print based and digital, are used to enrich learning experiences.
Intervention for students in the Junior Years is provided through various programs including Enhanced Reading Intervention Knowledge (ERIK), Reading Recovery and the Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) program. In these programs students receive extra small group specialist teaching in reading and writing three days a week.
Parents are offered training twice a year to enable them to volunteer as classroom helpers during the daily Literacy block.