St Roch's Parish Primary School
Virtue Alone is Noble

Gospel values are those attitudes, beliefs, understandings, practices, habits, lifestyle choices, concerns, insights, qualities, outlooks and standards that are the way of life for followers of Jesus. Our values are aligned with our motto ‘Virtue Alone is Noble’. The three virtues we live by are faith, hope and love. These virtues support our Social Justice program which supports the work of St Vincent de Paul Society.
Democratic Principles
At St Roch’s Parish Primary School we recognise that the school plays a vital role in advancing democratic ideals and principles. For democracy to continue to thrive, children must be taught democratic ideals and principles and to value its way of life. St Roch’s will explicitly and implicitly support and promote the principles of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:
• elected government
• the rule of law
• equal rights for all before the law
• freedom of religion
• freedom of speech and association
• the values of openness and tolerance.
Through our curricular and extracurricular programs, St Roch’s will prepare our children to become citizens who will preserve and shape democracy in the future. Democratic values will be taught explicitly in the curriculum and implicitly in the child’s experience of the school, from classroom practice, and from what is taught to how it is taught.
The Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Board will ensure schools have published this Democratic Principles Statement through the Annual Report to the School Community and regular school review processes (at least once every four years).

Angie Mastoras

Matthew Crowe
Mathematics Leader
Classroom Teacher

Christina Sorbello
Italian Teacher

Rev. Fr Michael Gallacher
Parish Priest

Jane Adams
Finance & Office Manager

Alex Granland
Classroom Teacher

Nadine Bolton
Deputy Principal
Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader

Toni Allen
Classroom Teacher

Trish O'Gorman
Performing Arts Teacher

Rachel Gray
Literacy Leader
Classroom Teacher

Teresa Hogan
Classroom Teacher

Marjie King
Physical Education Teacher

Louise Bolton
Religious Education Leader
Classroom Teacher

Jo Boers
Visual Arts Teacher

Amber Mangan
Classroom Teacher

Lynette Brugliera
Classroom Teacher

Cassie Jensen
ICT and Digital Technologies Leader
STEM Teacher
Classroom Teacher
Maternity Leave

Emma Fay
Classroom Teacher

Alison Swift
Learning Support Officer

Kate Ries
Classroom Teacher
Laura Dioguardi
Learning Support Officer

Shanaz Landau
School Counsellor

Nicolle Briglia
Learning Support Officer
Alexandra Keisler
Student Wellbeing Leader Classroom Teacher
Maternity Leave

Carmel Rozario
Library Technician
Learning Support Officer

Max Pinchbeck
Learning Support Officer

Julie Meseha
Wellbeing Gardening Club

Mia Mckenzie-McHarg
Enrolment Officer
Learning Support Officer

Sam Arthur
Learning Support Officer

Vinka Curtain
Learning Support Officer
The foundations of a Parish in Glen Iris began in the early 1890s when the Vincentian Fathers of Malvern would cycle to Glen Iris to celebrate mass in the family home of the Lloyds in Hilary Grove.
In 1923 a church-school-hall was built on land loaned by the Religious of the Sacred Heart in the grounds of the Sacre Coeur convent. At the same time the Vincentian Fathers, who would celebrate mass, leased a house on the present St Roch’s property as a future presbytery.
In 1927 the Glen Iris Parish welcomed their first Parish priest, Fr Patrick Roch Loughnan. He would not only provide the name for the Parish but would dedicate his life to it until his passing in 1958. In 1928 the Parish of Glen Iris name changed from St Vincent to St Roch, the distinguished French 14th Century saint, the guardian against pestilence and patron of dog lovers. It became the first, and to this day remains the only Parish to bear St Roch’s name in Australia.
In 1929, a decision was made to build a church on the northern corner of Glenvale and Burke Road, using the bricks of the original church. The school children raised the money for a beautiful stained-glass window of St Therese of Lisieux to be placed in the sanctuary of the new church.
At the same time, a decision was made to build a new school and hall adjacent to the church in Glenvale Road. The Sisters of St Joseph from Havelock Road, Hawthorn East, took the responsibility of the new parish school, which was completed in 1930 at a cost of £8,000.
The school consisted of three upstairs classrooms, the one at the eastern end having a small adjoining room for the Sisters’ own use. The principal, Sr Fidelis Heagney, took Grades 6, 7, and 8, Sr Fara Lambert 3, 4 and 5 and Sr Bernard McManus the junior grades, as well as teaching music to individual pupils. Mr Eddie Drill taught singing in the Hall, which was also used for physical culture, elocution and music.
Archbishop Mannix blessed and opened the new hall on March 9, 1930. The Advocate reported, “a picturesque sight was the waving of green streamers by the children as a greeting to His Grace on his arrival… a spiritual bouquet was presented to His Grace on behalf of the school.” This beautifully decorated presentation can still be seen at the Diocesan Historical Commission, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. The school colours of green, navy and white were chosen by Father Loughnan, being those of his old school, Christian Brothers’ College, St Kilda, whose motto he also adopted: Virtus sola Nobilitas - Virtue alone is noble.
In 1929 the School and Hall were built adjacent to the presbytery on Burke Rd. The St Vincent De Paul Society and the Catholic Young Men’s Society were also established in the same year. In 1930 the tennis courts were built. In 1933 the Catholic Women’s Social Guild was formed.
In 1937, 10 years after its founding, the decision was made to move the church from the site at Sacre Coeur. The bricks from the site at Sacre Coeur were transported down the road and by 13th February 1930, a Spanish mission style church stood completed on the corner of Glenvale and Burke Roads.
St Roch’s Parish was founded on the hard work and dedication of many parishioners and Fr Patrick Roch Loughnan whose legacy continues to this day.
If you have a great photo or story from our school's history, please send to principal@srgleniris.catholic.edu.au