St Roch's Parish Primary School
Virtue Alone is Noble

Religious Education is at the centre of both the
formal and informal curriculum at St Roch’s and
aligns with our Vision Statement: ‘St Roch’s is a
nurturing, socially just community. We inspire a
passion for learning and excellence and we are a
living testament to our Catholic story’ is enacted.
With parents and parishes, St Roch's Catholic Primary School seeks to fulfil the mission by providing an
environment in which students are enabled to:
• encounter God in Christ and deepen their relationship with him
• pursue wisdom and truth encouraged by a supportive academic culture
• grow in the practice of virtue, responsible freedom and serving the common good.

In every classroom a focal point is the prayer table
which serves to remind us that our relationship with
God is at the heart of our lives. The prayer table and
displays are to be presented with care and
maintained to reflect the Church seasons, the
current Religious Education (RE) unit or a particular
RE focus.
Reconciliation occurs in Year Three, First Eucharist
occurs in Year Four and Confirmation occurs in Year
Six every year and is the responsibility of the
Classroom Teacher in collaboration with the
Religious Education Leader and the Parish Priest.
These Sacramental programs are offered to students
within the Parish who may be attending other
schools through the Parish.

The Values Program permeates the curriculum and Religious Education Program and includes the explicit teaching of the following values, with reference to the related Gospel Values. Values are explored through Circles and Religious Education lessons. At each assembly, a student who has demonstrated the value of the term are nominated for an award.
Equity & Justice
We seek to provide equitable access and
opportunity for all, with a preferential option for
the poor and marginalised.
We continually strive for excellence in learning,
teaching and all we do.
We respect the dignity, diversity and contribution
of each person.
We foster a sense of community and belonging and
are committed to welcoming everyone into our school.

Family Nights and Family Masses in Year levels
provide an opportunity to strengthen and deepen
our faith as a community of learners.
Prep Preps in Pyjamas
Year 1/2 Family Mass
Year 3 Reconciliation
Year 4 First Holy Communion
Year 5 Family Mass
Year 6 Confirmation

Social Justice is an important element of our faith
that promotes education in life and faith and instil a
sense that we can make a difference in the world,
inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to
grow in virtue and act for justice and the common
good. We advocate supporting our Catholic
organisations throughout the year.
Term 1 Caritas/CatholicCare/Project Compassion
Term 2 St Vincent de Paul - Mini Vinnies
Term 3 Malvern Emergency Food Program
Term 4 Christmas Appeal - St Vincent de Paul